Our History
Red Hill Baptist Church started as a Sunday School in the Battle Hill School building a "country mile north of the Roanoke-Franklin County Line" sometime prior to 1843.
The first Church, commonly called The Church At Big Rock, was built in 1870 on land given by Abraham and Sarah Ridgeway. The building was built on one-fourth acre of land for the Baptist congregation. The deed stated that other denominations could use the church when not in occupied by the Baptist Church. The first was known as "The Missionary Baptist Church On Back Creek" and commonly called "The Church At Big Rock".
There were three denominations that worshiped as a union congregation from 1870 to 1908. They were The Baptists, The Church Of The Brethren (old order) and The Brethren Church (Progressives). These denominations later split with the result being three churches of today: The Red Hill Baptist Church, The Red Hill Church Of The Brethren and the Clearbrook Brethren Church.
The second building was a frame structure 24 by 30 feet on another piece of land given by the Ridgway Family in exchange for the piece of property at the big rock. the second building was constructed in 1908 and 1909.
The present sanctuary building was the third building and the first brick building, erected by Red Hill Baptist Church. It was completed in 1940. The next addition was the parsonage which was completed in 1950. The fifth building was erected in 1955 to be used as a temporary Sunday School Rooms.
Building six was the addition of the education building which now houses our Sunday School classes. the Ground breaking was August 10, 1958 and the building was dedicated March 22, 1959.